
Development/Donor Relations

Collect money easier

Whether you're raising money for local scholarships, signing up new memberships, or even selling t-shirts, you can use Alumni.Fund -- the world's most modern payment platform for alumni. Donors can make a gift in less than 15 seconds while choosing their preferred payment method (credit card, Venmo, PayPal, etc.). After donating, a social badge encourages donors to share the impact they made with their friends. We thank your donors for you and deliver the information they need for a tax-deductible gift and send you all the information you need for your records.

Development/Donor Relations

Expand your donor base

Get your alumni used to giving back to your university by starting with smaller, more regular amounts. Not only do alumni get into the habit of giving back, but you also increase your pool of donors by engaging more alumni than just the 1:1 meetings with top net worth individuals. Alumni have a fun, positive giving experience at an event where nostalgia and school pride take over instead of avoiding annual fund phone calls at dinner time. Take note from political fundraising -- smaller donations from more people works.

Alumni Volunteer

Retain institutional knowledge

Reduce the sticky notes. Keep an online filing system that all group volunteers can see. Instead of passing around a box or notebook, save data in your alumni management platform so it's easy to reference. Valuable lessons stay with the group instead of leaving with volunteers or falling through the cracks.

Alumni Volunteer

Consistent brand identity

You worked hard to carefully brand your identity that so many alumni hold near and dear. Maintain the same look and feel for all of your alumni groups all over the world. Make it easier for your alumni to identify their local group whether they are living in Des Moines, Iowa or Paris, France. You no longer have to see school colors that are "close enough" or mascots in different colors.

Alumni Volunteer

Easy-to-use, well designed websites

Every group in your network has access to a website that is designed specifically for alumni groups. Alumni volunteers created the websites with us and continue to provide feedback for additional feature releases. Websites come tailored to alumni groups and volunteers -- this isn't a template where you have to know HTML to make changes. No prior web experience is needed. Groups can also connect their social profiles and share content to their channels directly from their website. We work with associations to design the sites to reflect university branding and allow groups to customize them to their local area.
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Alumni Relations

Syndicate content and share university updates

Send out content to all your chapters with the click of a button. You are able to ensure alumni everywhere hear the same message and are getting important university updates. Stay more connected with your alumni and let them know what's happening on campus so they feel like they are there even if they are 3,000 miles away.

Alumni Relations

We play well with others

Improve your workflow and integrate with the different systems you already use. Already have a CRM or email software? We'll connect our data directly to your system. Life moves fast and you should be able to focus on engaging more alumni -- not manually entering data or exporting and importing information to different systems. Bring previously hard to capture offline information into your system and let the data work for you.

Alumni Relations

Access a real-time reporting suite


We arm you with real-time actionable reports of group activity and performance to quickly assess the health of your network and better assist your groups. Identify trends before a group starts slipping away and see when a group needs more resources. You no longer have to devote the month of May to exporting pivot tables and sorting through countless records to make a PowerPoint to show EOY reports. Access your information anytime you want and let the data work for you. Instantly show your boss how many events are happening, how many people are attending and how much money is being raised.


Alumni Relations

Automate your group recognition program

Automate your group incentive program and save hundreds of staff hours that were previously spent on tedious tasks. Keep volunteers engaged and updated on their progress by ditching excel sheets and emails for automated reports they can access anytime. Groups keep their competitive spirit all year long and can plan their activities better. You can easily see which groups need a little extra help and get them back on track before the end of the year.