Whether you're raising money for local scholarships, signing up new memberships, or even selling t-shirts, you can use
Alumni.Fund -- the world's most modern payment platform for alumni. Donors can make a gift in less than 15 seconds while choosing their preferred payment method (credit card, Venmo, PayPal, etc.). After donating, a social badge encourages donors to share the impact they made with their friends. We thank your donors for you and deliver the information they need for a tax-deductible gift and send you all the information you need for your records.
Get your alumni used to giving back to your university by starting with smaller, more regular amounts. Not only do alumni get into the habit of giving back, but you also increase your pool of donors by engaging more alumni than just the 1:1 meetings with top net worth individuals. Alumni have a fun, positive giving experience at an event where nostalgia and school pride take over instead of avoiding annual fund phone calls at dinner time. Take note from political fundraising -- smaller donations from more people works.